Hand Crafted & Organic Products
Eat Well
Live Well
Gourmet Products
The chocolate in Costa Rica is one of best in Latinoamerica, is an irresistible transformation of the finest single-origin cacao beans grown by smallholder farmers under sustainable conditions.
The Coffee from Costa Rica is characterized by both the aroma and flavor that gives rise to a base of different varieties of high coffee with characteristics in its volcanic lands that give the coffee an exquisite and unique flavor and be of incredible quality.
Tropical Products are made with natural fruits, where they keep healthy, in a single product.
To tell the story of coffee & chocolate sources a variety of beans that match the variety of tastes in the world.
We then pass along the highest quality beans to artisans and master-roasters, who transform each bean, expressing the tradition of flavor within. Now these beans may become part of our exclusive roast.
You will not find any unnecessary ingredients in these gourmet delights, just natural perfection.
The importance to recycle and have balanced and natural food it's what we are, and what we want to bring to our community.
From our Roots
Especially a purchasing agent for a retail store
Selected all the organic product for our clients.
To send or transport abroad, especially for trade or sale
Sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.